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facebook tool ,send event invite to all your friends

if you have facebook accounts with many friends list and you are tired of "Invite your friends to event" , check friends manually and send it or check with javascript and you are tired of scrolling down and checking and checking it again than solution is this script, this script will do all job for you

PRICE: 30.99 $
facebook tool ,send event invite to all your friends
Product price

views 1524
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You can buy our products via paypal .You can also send us your scripts and progrrams and we will sell them , with low commision , also you can request us scripts and progrrames and we will provide in shortest time

Our Market

picture:about marketOur programmes and scripts costs only 1 ,5 ,10 ,15, 20 , 30 and 50 USD. People also can tell us about their scripts , programs and solutions and we will organize selling on scriptmarket.biz. contact us on skype: scriptmarket or email: [email protected] , after selling we will pay 90 % of sold products price via paypal , we also recieve Request for progrrames and scripts , our proggramers will satisfy your requests in shortest time , contact us at [email protected] or skype: scriptmarket